Robotic dairy solutions | cows




A higher yield with less time and effort

Robotic milking is a smart way of handling milking your livestock. It saves you time, so you can concentrate on other tasks – tasks such as improving profitability and increasing the welfare of both your cows and yourself. In addition, the RDS Futureline Elite can even increase milk yield.

Comfort for both you and your cows

The open box system ensures optimal comfort for your cows. The cow has sufficient space in the milking box. The large gates and open environment guarantee good and stress-free conditions, both during entry and exit and while milking is underway, and mean that she maintains contact with the other cows. The milking box includes an efficient feeding system and can be used for many different types of feed. A single robot arm is able to milk either one or two cows at once, depending on requirements.

Smooth, reliable attachment

The IP-vision AttachTool guarantees that the liner attaches smoothly and reliably to every teat. The AttachTool is controlled by self-learning software and recognises every udder and cow, ensuring fast attachment after the first milking. Its unique design and the software used make it suitable for many different udder types.

Steam for fast and effective cleaning

The pre-treatment cup and the liner receive a brief and thorough steam-cleaning after each milking. Steam cleaning is fast and ensures economical water consumption compared to traditional cleaning methods. The pre-treatment, extensive steam cleaning, and udder spray system ensure the best possible udder health.

The advantages at a glance

  • less labour-intensive
  • higher yields
  • cost-effective system: optimised to ensure low energy and water consumption
  • optimal comfort for the cow, and sufficient working space for the milker
  • milks either one or two cows at once
  • guarantees the best udder health
  • cleaning system and sensors guarantee high milk quality
  • future-proof solution



Gives you full control

TIM gives you certainty and an overview of the milking of your cows, freeing you to concentrate on other important aspects of your business. It allows you to analyse and make adjustments at both individual and herd levels. All data is stored in a single system and is automatically updated to all connected management systems.

  • full overview of animal details
  • action lists for you as a dairy farmer
  • historical data
  • medication data
  • livestock registration
  • a single location for data entry

TIM offers various modules:

  • analysis/advanced
  • unitrack MDS
  • large herd
  • taurus Link
  • open Interface
  • country specific link
  • multiherd
  • milking parlour monitor

The TIM app provides you with insight everywhere and at all times, so you can maintain control. Use TIM online on your smartphone while walking through the barn or the fields. Conduct the daily livestock management tasks from the palm of your hand with functions such as: illness, heat detection, insemination, calving, dry-off, medication, and condition scoring.

A powerful tool for analysis and monitoring. Meets all administrative obligations and guarantees you the best overview for managing a sustainable and profitable dairy farm.